2021 The Merkel Machine (MacCathmhaoil)
Woman in the Machine
@ Visual Carlow 04.06.21 - 28.09.21
The Merkel Machine is an exercise in queer, feminist d.i.y. robotics.
The Merkel Machine celebrates the simple gesture of the eye-roll as a powerful tool of protest and resistance. The Merkel Machine is named after Chancellor Angela Merkel who famously rolled her eyes to disempower the patriarchal bullies Putin, Johnson and Trump.
The Merkel Machine scrapes Twitter News Feeds of major sites such as CNN, BBC, Irish Times, Guardian, Fox News real-time and rolls to what her algorithms determine is offensive content. The Merkel Machine was originally designed to roll her eyes to the Tweets of Donald J. Trump. Since Donald's departure from Twitter the Merkel Machine has found that there is no shortage of other patriarchal a**holes to get her eyes rolling.
A live online version of the Merkel Machine can be found here : www.themerkelmachine.org Please allow a few seconds for Angela (mark ii) to connect real-time to the Twitter API's
Mixed Media incl. twitter scraper, servos + arduino microcontroller
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