Loitering Theatre /



2020 <b>Protest Archive </b>        (MacCathmhaoil)

2020 Protest Archive (MacCathmhaoil)

Protest Archive is a work-in-progress inter-generational feminist and activist project by Loitering Theatre. The project has been developed with a loose affiliation of women across the island of Ireland who have been active in radical political protest from the 1960's to today. Each woman has been asked to complete a book that provides a handwritten account of each woman's experience of an act of radical protest. Together the books form an activist "Protest Archive" - to be activated by future generations.

The first extract from The Protest Archive was published in the book The Law is a White Dog - edited by Sarah Browne, curator of Tulca 2019. It contained a "Communiqué from Loitering Theatre":

The Protest Archive is a set of instructions.
The Protest Archive is a handbook.
The Protest Archive is an almanac.
The Protest Archive is an alchemy.

The Protest Archive is a teaching.
The Protest Archive is an aide-memoire.
The Protest Archive is a folklore of the brave.
The Protest Archive is a prophecy.

The Protest Archive strips force from their meanings.
The Protest Archive stands in their path.
(wise women have gone before us)
(wise women will lead the way)
The Protest Archive dismantles their machines.
The Protest Archive does not let them pass.

The Protest Archive is a foretelling.
The Protest Archive is a laying bare.
The Protest Archive is a transmission into our future.
The Protest Archive is the action plan
(wise women have gone before us)
(wise women will lead the way)

A project supported by Create's Artist in the Community Scheme
