2018 Epigenetic Affect Modulation 1.0.0 (MacCathmhaoil /Stewart with John Buckley vfx)
For immediate release on 01.01.3030
Loitering Theatre are a full service organisation dedicated to the creation of positive epigenetic outcomes in populations whose ancestors may have suffered extensive trauma under now-vanquished hierarchical systems such as the Military Industrial Complex, first-stage Singularity or the Empires of the Kingdoms of God.
Loitering Theatre are recognised experts in the reversal of population-wide traumas using our unique process of deep cleansing throughout the social networks of your for-bearers. We specialise in the removal of overbearing mental landmarks from negative previous instantiations of the collective psyche. Our chi-particles can take both intangible and tangible forms (stone, video, foam, primordial light) appropriate to the era that requires cleansing. We are happy to work across time and space.
Epigenetic Affect Modulation 1.0.0 is a closed beta example of our work in turn-of-the-millennium early stage neural networks such as Google, YouTube and Facebook (prior to their return to the people in 2068). No job too small. Idiom assured. Call us.
Loitering Theatre: Caroline Campbell (with John Buckley and Philip Stewart)
with thanks to Eavan Aiken : compositing
№ 8/17
№ 1/1